Thursday, May 1, 2008

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Forex Day Trading Basics
Your Forex Success Is Based On Fundamentals!

Being a $2 trillion a year industry, many savvy investors and ordinary people alike want to try their hands on foreign currency exchange (forex) trading.

To succeed in this game, you need to arm yourself with knowledge because there are a lot of factors to consider when trading.

Your success is based on fundamentals. The more you know, the more money you will earn.

There are 4 kinds of forex trading setups. Each of them has its own pros and cons. The essential is determining which of these systems is the right one for the novice investor.

Let's have a quick overview about these four different trading systems.

1. Spot trading

The currency spot trading is the most popular forex setup, accounting for 37% of the total number of transactions in the industry.

2. Forward trading

If spot trading involves the trading of currencies deliverable within 2 days, forward trading involves the trading of currencies the delivery of which can be effectuated somewhere between 3 days to 3 years.

3. Future trading

We can say, for the sake of our lessons, that future currency trading is a combination of spot currency trading and forward currency trading.

4. Option trading

Indeed, options currency trading is a forex exchange system that involves options to purchase currencies at "preserved" prices.

As a beginner, always choose the easiest route. You may want to start with the currency spot trading model first.

Also, be sure to always trade in your demo account. Don't leave this account unless you are able to make significant profits several months in a raw.

This will ensure that you don't lose your hard earned money.

Learn Forex Trading

Learn Forex Trading

Almost all internet marketers have heard of forex trading or online currency trading as it is sometimes referred to and many are curious about how the forex trading system works and where they can go to learn forex trading.

In order to become a successful forex trader you need to know what forex trading is and how to successfully trade forex. In order to achieve sufficient knowledge it is vital to learn forex trading from experts. This can be done in the form of a forex tutorial and there are literally hundreds of forex companies offering online tutorials and guides.

An online forex tutorial will explain how the foreign exchange market works and will also explain the types of forex orders that are available to you as a forex trader. A forex tutorial will also explain about technical indicators and what they mean, the economic indicators you will need to be aware of and the various options and strategies that are available to you as a forex trader.

If you are new to forex trading then it is essential that you learn forex trading before parting with any of your hard earned cash. Many online forex companies offer free training and demonstrations that resemble that of real time forex trading. There are also forex trading courses available and these are also a valuable way to learn forex trading as you can refer to these course time and time again.

The most important aspect when it comes to forex trading is to learn forex trading so that you understand how to trade and how to trade successfully. The more you learn forex trading the more understanding you will have and the more success. Finding a forex tutorial or forex trading course is simple. All you need to do is a brief internet search and you will have a great deal of tutorials and courses to choose from. If you are serious about succeeding as a forex trader, then it s down to you, learn forex trading now and learn to succeed.

Forex Signal, Forex Signals Advice

Forex Signal and Forex Signals Advice

There are lot's of Forex signals providers out there. New Forex traders might be thinking of looking for a reliable Forex signals provider. Is there any reliable Forex signals providers available?

Personally, I will say do not pay for Forex signals. Think about it - if a Forex signals provider sells Forex signals for living, you can doubt their Forex trading skills? Or else if they are pretty good in Forex trading and making lot's of profit, I am wondering why do they still bother to sell Forex signals for money. Thus, what would be the value of such Forex signals providers? The answer is ZERO.

There are Forex traders who have been relying on Forex signals arguing those Forex signals providers really help them making money in Forex trading. These Forex traders can even show their Forex trading logs as evidence. After some though, I came out with the assumption that assuming I am the owner of a Forex signals provider, in order for my business to be in black, obviously I need some satisfying customers......

Full article available at:

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Basics Of Forex Market

Forex stands for Foreign Exchange Market (FX). It is the largest market place for currency trading. The Forex market is an over-the-counter (OTC) trading market. While trading in the Forex market, you must consider the present scenario and future prospects of the country, whose currency you are trading. Aspects such as the economic stability of the country, its gross domestic production, the current inflation rate, the national security or even the country's foreign relations affect and alter the relative value of its currency on a regular basis.
There are six major Forex markets in the world. These are located in Frankfurt, London, New York, Paris, Tokyo and Zurich. Owing to the different time zones, Forex trading occurs round the clock in the various markets across the globe. For instance, when the Asian trading ends, then it is time for the European trading to open. In a similar way, when the European trading ends American trading opens. Finally, when it is time for the American trading to stop, then it is again time for the Asian trading to open.
In the Forex market, currencies from all over the world are bought, sold and traded. The participants in the Forex market usually include banks, large multinational corporations, global money managers, registered dealers, international money brokers, traders and private speculators. In order to start global Forex trading, one needs to open a Forex account in his name. You must have sufficiently high funds in your Forex account. Anyone can buy and sell currency and make a profit. However, the risks are very high and you must be familiar with the tricks of the Forex market to be able to succeed in trading currencies.
Forex Signal, Forex Signals Advice

There are lot's of Forex signals providers out there. New Forex traders might be thinking of looking for a reliable Forex signals provider. Is there any reliable Forex signals providers available?

Personally, I will say do not pay for Forex signals. Think about it - if a Forex signals provider sells Forex signals for living, you can doubt their Forex trading skills? Or else if they are pretty good in Forex trading and making lot's of profit, I am wondering why do they still bother to sell Forex signals for money. Thus, what would be the value of such Forex signals providers? The answer is ZERO.

There are Forex traders who have been relying on Forex signals arguing those Forex signals providers really help them making money in Forex trading. These Forex traders can even show their Forex trading logs as evidence. After some though, I came out with the assumption that assuming I am the owner of a Forex signals provider, in order for my business to be in black, obviously I need some satisfying customers......

Full article available at:

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Forex Mistakes
6 Common Errors That Destroy Equity

Here are 6 common forex mistakes that if you made, will ensure an equity wipe out. 95% of forex traders lose and most make these common errors, so if you want to learn forex trading correctly avoid them at all costs.

1. Not Having Confidence :-

An obvious one - if you don't have confidence in what you are doing you won't have the discipline to execute your trading plan. Most traders never get confidence in what their doing, as they never learn the right education and trust a guru, e-book or news story. If you want to win, you must fully understand what you're doing and why it works - so you have the confidence and discipline to trade your method.

2. Believing Simulations :-

How many traders buy a mechanical forex trading system off the web with a simulated track record and expect it to make them money?

The bulk of novice forex traders fall for this but of course, a simulation done in hindsight, knowing the closing prices is easy - but trading not knowing them is the hard part!

All simulated track records make money in hindsight and 99% lose in real time trading. Most are simply made up by vendors and combined with some copy to appeal to the greedy na ve investor who buys the system and gets a wipe out in the market.

3. Predicting Forex Prices :-

If you try and predict forex prices in advance you're going to lose, as it's really another word for hoping and guessing. Never predict what might happen, trade the reality of what is happening on your forex charts.

Predictions in forex will be as accurate as your horoscope and forget anyone who tells you they have a scientific theory of market movement - They don't. If such a theory did exist, we would all know the price in advance and there would be no market - Period.

4. Using Invalid Data :-

How many novice traders try forex day trading? The majority.

How many lose? ALL of them.

Day trading is simply a way to wipe out equity quickly.

All short term volatility is random and you cannot get the odds on your side so you will lose. If you want to trade successfully trade valid data and trade longer term.

5. Trading The News :-

If you could get rich listening to the news then a lot more traders would make money - but you can't.

News is discounted instantly and furthermore reflects the greed and fear of the majority, who always lose. News stories are simply opinions and you won't make money trading them.

6. Trying To Be To Clever :-

On the one hand there are forex traders who don't do enough work and on the other hand, there are traders who think they can make money being clever or working hard - neither however will ensure your currency trading success.

In forex trading you get paid for being right with your forex trading signal and not for how clever you are, or how much effort you put in.

The fact is the best forex trading systems are simple and they always work better than complicated ones, as they are more robust and have fewer elements to break.


If YOU ARE trading the major error most traders make is NOT Knowing their trading edge. A trading edge is the reason you should succeed at forex trading when 95% of traders fail.

It doesn't matter what your trading edge is but you must clearly define it and have confidence in it to lead you to currency trading success. So if you don't know what your trading edge is - its back to your forex education until you do.
Money Market Advantages Amidst Volatility

Foreign Exchange Market (FOREX) is the arena where a nation s currency is exchanged for that of another at a mutually agreed rate. All currencies are traded in pairs, and each is assigned with an abbreviation. (E.g: USD = United States Dollar, GBP = Great British Pound). Exchange rate fluctuations are usually caused by actual monetary flows as well as anticipations on global economic situations. Profits and losses are dependent on the fluctuations in the exchange rate between the two currencies.

In today s volatile money market environment the traditional forms of investing are rightfully inviting more scrutiny and caution. The New Year has brought with it an impending sense of tough times to come. The FTSE 100 dropped below 6000 points for the first time in almost two years, a performance that was mirrored by Dow Jones, Hang Seng and other major indices around the world. Now more than ever investors are focusing on alternative avenues to channel those hard earned funds.

Advantages of Trading Forex :

It may be difficult to imagine that there is market that is not only growing, but is also renowned for its flexibility and liquidity. Forex is flexible in the sense that it has no central trading location or exchange with traders, sellers and buyers in the traditional sense; most of the trading is conducted via a global ETS (electronic trading system) that operate 24hrs a day. Concurrently, liquidity is a powerful attraction to any investor as it suggests the freedom to enter or exit the market at anytime. These advantages subsequently enable investors to respond to any new adverse or positive information immediately. A luxury not afforded by the more traditional forms of risk.

Also, in forex trading, a small margin deposit can control a much larger total forex contract value. This obviously gives investors the ability to make extraordinary profits with relatively minimal risk. Unlike with other forms of risk where numerous factors affect the unit prices, (a good example of course is the recent sub-prime crisis in the US) the chief aim and focus of any good forex investor is to manage as best as possible the varying risks associated with fluctuations in worldwide currencies. With the current trepidation that characterises traditional forms of investments, it is no surprise that there has been a big growth in regulated firms that offer forex investment contracts to cunning individual investors.

It must be said however that a good understanding of the relationship between freely transferable currencies is required in order to dabble into this exciting arena. The concept really is quite simple. Currency exchange rates fluctuate, investors who trade in the forex market hope to profit from those fluctuations. Investors should always be aware though that as with any other form of investment, investors who consult with a financial adviser limit their exposure to excessive fluctuations. A general rule of all investment tools that carry a degree of risk is that investors should input funds that they can generally afford to lose without affecting their finances adversely. Risk capital should be seen as disposable income for any discerning investor

Forex News - Trading It For Bigger Profits

Forex News - Trading It For Bigger Profits

Today, we have more news than ever and its delivered in the click of a mouse and many traders want to trade it and make profits - after all it's the fundamental supply and demand situation that drives forex prices.

No it isn't!

Supply and demand fundamentals are not important by themselves - it's how they are perceived that determines price.

Here is a simple equation for market movement to illustrate the above:

Supply and Demand (facts and news) + Investor Perception = Price

From the above you can see that it is investors who determine price.

We all have the same facts to look at but we don't all draw the same conclusions from what we see and this is the problem when trading news stories.

If you could win by trading the news, with today's quality of it and lightening communications, the percentage of traders who would win would be far greater but the fact is:

The same amount of people who lost in forex trading 50 years ago lose today and this statistic won't change because you can't trade news stories in isolation.

The problems with trading news stories are greater today than they have ever been.


Because we all get the information quickly and it's instantly discounted by the market, we all have the information at the same time in any corner of the globe online and no one has an advantage of getting it first before the herd.

The problem that is always present and has been since markets started trading is:

You don't know how the traders are going to view the news because their all driven by their individual motivations and emotions furthermore, the news always reflects the views of the crowd and the crowd is always wrong.

Will Rogers once said:

"I only believe what I read in the papers"

He was joking of course, but it's surprising how many people read a paper or see a view on CNBC and think they can trade it and win - they can't.


Markets collapse and turn when they are most bullish and rally when they are most bearish - this is nothing to do with the facts but how the investors perceive them.

News stories can be used but it's not in the way you may think.

If a bullish piece of news fails to push market higher, or bearish news fails to push a market lower, then you may have a trend change at hand.

You need to check and to do this, look at a forex chart and see the technical view of price only. Here you are seeing the reality or the truth in black and white.

This gives you a detached non emotional view of price and you can decide which way to trade. Using the news in this contrary fashion is a great way to spot situations which you can time entry with your technical indicators.

There is an old saying:

" If you can hold your head, when everyone around you is losing theirs you probably haven't heard the news"

In the above instance you have - but you're not taking the view of the majority.

Friday, February 8, 2008

What is Forex ?

What is Forex?

Forex means foreign exchange. The foreign exchange (currency or Forex or FX) market exists wherever one currency is traded for another. It is by far the largest market in the world, in terms of cash value traded, and includes trading between large banks, central banks, currency speculators, multinational corporations, governments, and other financial markets and institutions.

Retail traders (small speculators) are a small part of this market. They may only participate indirectly through brokers or banks and may be targets of forex scams. So we have a good news and a bad news...Good news is that even people like you and me can participate in Forex and make money..bad news is that we need to be careful and not to be scamed.

With Forex trading you can make money....there are ordinary people like us who make big money on Forex, but as with any other business or activity you need to learn...there are many techniques on Forex, so you need to start small and learn and when you get better and confident you can invest bigger money.

There are many brokers who offer a demo account so you can learn and try Forex without risking your own money. Then you can open a mini Forex account with just $250 and after that you can open a standard Forex account.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Stock Market Quotes

The following web sites provide Stock Market Quotes and other useful financial information

* Yahoo! Finance - get stock quotes, mortgage rates, up to date news, portfolio management resources, international market data, and message boards.

* The NASDAQ Stock Market- detailed market and security information for the Nasdaq "Over The Counter" stock exchange. Also includes portfolio tracking and IPO information.

* Lycos Finance - get stock quotes and streaming LiveCharts.

* CNN/Money - combines practical personal finance advice, calculators and investing tips with business news, stock quotes, and financial market coverage.

* PC Quote Online- free delayed and real time quotes and charts and news covering stocks, futures, options, and mutual funds.

* BigCharts- stock charts, screeners, interactive charting and the latest breaking news from the markets.

* MSN Money- investing, investment tools, business market news, headline news, articles, reports, stocks and quotes, message boards, and a stock ticker.

* futures, stocks, FOREX, options quotes, charts, and news for futures and options traders.

* ADVFN- free stock quotes, stock charts, market news and live stock charting tools.

* free end of day stock market data and historical quotes for many of the world's top exchanges including NASDAQ, NYSE, Toronto, FTSE, SGX, HKSE, and Paris.
* provides stock information including, stocks, stock quotes, stock investment strategies, and key company developments.

* TradingCharts- source for free quotes and charts - over 30000 stock market, commodity futures, and forex price charts and quotations.

* futures and stocks quotes, charts, realtime advanced technical charting and analysis of stocks and commodities.